Cold Vodka - MUBEA

In 2022, for the Mubea Automotive Poland Sp. z o.o plant in Zimna Wódka, we made installations:

  • roof drains
  • water and sewage
  • hydrant water
  • Gas for rooftop exchanges and boiler rooms
  • heat for social needs
  • process heat for central
  • ventilation
  • compressed air pipelines

We put the equipment into operation, trained the operators and provided the necessary documentation. We ensure service and smooth operation of our installations.

Main performer: Takenaka

SMG SLĄSK II sp. z o.o. s.k.

2B Barlickiego St., 42-506 Bedzin

+ 48 518 862 067
+ 48 32 775 85 60

District Court Katowice - Wschód in Katowice, VIII Economic Department of the National Court Register

NIP: 646-293-28-76 REGON: 243466291 KRS: 0001115324