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Europe's post-mining resources backing up the power industry - talk about Green HAC patent

August 6, 2024


The innovative patent will begin the process of revitalizing post-mining infrastructure and the birth of a central heat and cooling generation system. We invite you to read an interview with Michal Rosol, president of SMG Silesia, and Prof. Lukasz Bartela of Silesian University of Technology. The interview appeared in the monthly Forbes magazine.

- You have recently received a lot of attention for patenting your own innovative technology. What does it involve?

- President of SMG Silesia Michal Rosol: Operating in Silesia and Zagłębie, we have seen great potential in places that are currently forgotten or even unwanted in the agglomeration landscape. These are all kinds of post-mining and post-industrial remnants. We have created a unique yet simple commercialization plan for the entire post-mining Europe. Today there is a lot of talk about environmental pollution and the need to balance the load on the power grid. We have developed a way to meet the growing needs in the area of refrigeration while sustainably reducing energy consumption, especially during periods of high energy prices in the market. Importantly, this cooling is a byproduct of processes aimed at meeting winter heat demand. We can achieve all this in a low-cost and environmentally safe way, to the benefit of the local community and business.

- It sounds fantastic. What exactly is the aforementioned invention?

- Prof. Dr. Łukasz Bartela of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Energy of the Silesian University of Technology: The subject of the invention is an underground system for obtaining and storing heat and cold, using post-mining pits. The pits, in particular, are even ideal reservoirs for storing the heat and cold carrier. In addition, our solution offers the possibility of extracting geothermal heat from the deep levels of the shaft workings. Such heat can be used to power industrial heat pumps, the widespread use of which, desirable especially in an era of increasing potential for unstable RES, can have a salutary effect on the state of the atmosphere within large agglomerations.

- In your opinion, what makes this system likely to play an important role in the context of current economic changes in Poland?

- Ł.B: The underground system proposed by SMG Silesia has a very high potential for implementation, especially in mining regions such as Silesia, where, on the one hand, we are observing the process of a significant reduction in coal mining, and on the other hand, the demand for usable forms of energy and for their short- and long-term storage is constantly increasing. The aforementioned invention complements a very wide range of modern technical solutions with potential applications in large-scale power generation. As a team operating at the Silesian University of Technology, also in conjunction with SMG Silesia, we have developed a number of solutions for the storage of heat and electricity to support a positive energy transition. We hold patents for inventions protected by the national and European patent office. Implementation of these solutions may allow not only to support the national energy system, but also may significantly contribute to the revitalization of post-mining areas, while maintaining their industrial character, so important for ensuring favorable living conditions for the region's residents.

- Who will benefit from your solution?

- M.R.: At present, a shaft after the end of mining operations, as long as it is not used for the dewatering process of an inactive mine, is subject to costly decommissioning. In this way, year after year, a huge technical asset that should be used efficiently is irretrievably depleted. Mine shafts are located primarily in areas of large urban areas, where there is a high demand for heat and cooling. The proposed solution has particularly high potential for cooperation with district heating systems, as well as large industrial plants. Our system can allow for load equalization of heat sources operating in heating systems. All this leads to a lower price for heat and cooling, and thus to a higher competitiveness of the local economy.

- So does this mean that we will be able to use a district heating network supported by RES?

- M.R.: Not only is our patent ahead of market expectations, but it's safe to say that it probably lays the foundation for the world's first emission-free central cooling system design! Several decades ago, the central heating system commonly called PEC was established. Today, as SMG Silesia, as part of a completely new outlook, we are proposing a system of the future called "Green HAC" from heating and cooling. The biggest advantage is that the cooling system will be completely emission-free and will protect us from smog in winter and from greenhouse gas emissions all year round. Our solution not only provides clean heat in the winter and coolness in the summer, but also represents a new product with the potential to be used worldwide!

- As SMG Silesia, you are mainly known for your comprehensive implementation of various renewable energy and cogeneration projects. What can be considered your specialization?

- M.R: Indeed, over the years we have made a suitable reputation for ourselves as a company that carries out a comprehensive service of construction, production processes from the energy report, completion of the necessary permits and documents to the final implementation. It has become our specialty to look at each problem individually. We are trusted by many companies in the automotive, food and energy industries. We also implement our own proprietary innovations in cooperation with scientific institutions such as the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice.

What are the future plans for the development of your patent?

- M.R.: We believe that the technological solution developed by SMG Silesia can, in the near future, provide a buffer for heat generated based on electricity, periodically generated in excess as part of the rapidly developing RES market. In addition, it can provide invaluable support to the grid during summer cooling demand. This makes the application of this innovative concept likely to support the national transmission system operator, and thus the country's energy security. The solution proposed by SMG Silesia is ecological, which of course makes it clear that its beneficiaries will be citizens of urban areas, who will breathe cleaner air. We believe that the research we are currently conducting, as a Polish company, will significantly help give new life to post-mining areas around the world.

- Thank you for the interview.

Luke Bak

SMG SLĄSK II sp. z o.o. s.k.

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