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Park District Chorzow - will use 2040 technologies now

August 5, 2024

It's hard to ignore the global trends that are overtly evident in Europe's drive to minimize the harmful effects of industry. One may disagree with the pace at which standards and laws are being introduced, but the fact is that the world has turned its steps toward eco-responsibility and environmental neutrality. The increase in the number of electric cars, RES installations or photovoltaic farms is a confirmation of the changes taking place before our eyes. What is now certain is that the second stage of this global drive to live in harmony with nature will be the beginning of an energy transition in line with PEP2040, affecting industry, among other things. Significantly - Silesia will already have a project on its territory next year that will technologically take us to 2040 in this regard!

Genesis of the project

To understand why Chorzow will probably be home to the most modern mixed-use development not only in Poland, but in all of Europe, one must first look at the genesis of this project. This is because for a long time, on the grounds of close cooperation between the worlds of science and business, there have been discussions on how to combine the needs of entrepreneurs and the technical aspects of the infrastructure concepts being developed, as well as the latest green technologies.... From the point of view of investors, many innovative solutions were too expensive to implement, compared to traditional technologies, and were eventually abandoned. Recently, however, more and more it is Polish companies and Polish scientists who are proving that it is possible to find a "golden mean" by combining the interests of different parties. One of them is the skillful design of green technologies to meet the needs of a world changing towards zero-carbon. The best evidence of this qualitative change is to be found in the investment of the first omnigenerational and multifunctional complex of facilities under construction in Chorzow.

Realistic business needs

If we wanted to make a list of the most troublesome pains of entrepreneurs today, the rising costs of doing business and the unpredictability of raw material and energy prices would certainly be at the top. What's more, successive European Union guidelines impose a rhythm of change, which often means the need to invest in new technologies here and now in order not to fall out of the European market. One important aspiration is the decarbonization of industry. Against this backdrop, the Chorzów investment stands out mainly due to its extremely responsible approach to implementing climate policy while meeting the real needs and opportunities of Polish entrepreneurs. Thanks to the omnigeneration technology developed by SMG Silesia, it is already becoming feasible to meet the standards set by the EU and adopted by the Polish parliament as part of the PEP2040 strategy.

- In cooperation with Polish scientists, we have been developing energy transition solutions for years. Based on the recommendations and guidelines of European regulators and environmental pioneers, we are developing climate-neutral solutions. The new rules and regulations included in the PEP2040 regulation or in the Climate Strategies Poland Report mainly boil down to climate protection, adopt a decarbonization strategy in the 2030 perspective, indicating 10 key areas for strengthening and implementation. Our project to be built in Chorzow assumes the fulfillment of all the elements stipulated for construction. - says Michal Rosol, President of SMG Silesia.

Why Silesia?

Firstly, the area is historically highly industrialized, secondly, it has excellent logistics and transportation infrastructure, and thirdly, it is the second most dynamically business-oriented area in the country after the Mazovian Voivodeship. A major constraint so far has been the issue of development of extensive post-industrial sites located sometimes in the very center of the city. In many cases, the revitalization process turned out to be costly, and there was a lack of the very concept of what to do with such land to give it a new function. The emergence of new projects is an opportunity to realize the social, economic and purely aesthetic needs of Silesia. Chorzow's investment on the site of the former Kościuszko Steelworks is therefore intended to serve as an actual introduction of innovative technologies, as well as a kind of pilot program to demonstrate the potential of such a concept. It is also an opportunity to build relations and understanding between local authorities, residents and entrepreneurs. After all, it is possible to create "green" projects that meet the many needs of the aforementioned groups and have great potential for impact on the local economy.

About the project itself in specifics

The project is a multi-functional park with a total area exceeding 120,000 m2. It will include modern warehouse and production, service, residential and recreational space. It features an excellent location in close proximity to the Drogowa Trasa Średnicowa and the A4 Motorway. The project responds both to the needs of the Silesian region in the context of revitalization of post-industrial areas, as well as meets the global guidelines for combating the changing climate. Omnigeneration is a new level in the realization of such complex facilities. Significantly, it seems that this investment is the best possible answer to the needs of Silesia, and it is not only about pro-ecological electro-energy solutions, but also sustainable management of land resources. By revitalizing the post-industrial space of the Kościuszko Steelworks, it is given a new shine, while at the same time protecting green areas, which will thus not disappear from the map of Silesia.

It's also worth mentioning that tenants will be able to take advantage of PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements) formally guaranteeing "green" energy certificates, which is in line with global green aspirations. However, for investor SMG Silesia, this is definitely not enough. For there is the phenomenon of "greenwashing", which fights the problem of carbon footprint only on paper, without realistically reducing the carbon footprint locally, which in the case of the Silesian agglomeration, which is one of the regions with the highest levels of air pollution, is another important aspect of responsible energy transition. The Chorzow investment is expected to ensure that the implementation of the fight against smog will have a direct impact on the lives of Silesian residents from day one of operation, fighting for a better tomorrow for us and future generations.

Luke Bak


The text appeared in the pages of Strefa Biznesu Śląsk No. 03/2024

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