There are many companies in our industry - both large and medium to small. They differ in the number of people they employ, turnover, business scale and the range of services they offer. At SMG Silesia, we believe that the value of a brand and a company is demonstrated primarily by the contribution it makes to the development of the sector in which it operates. In our opinion, it is innovation that makes a true leader emerge naturally from among many companies, setting the rhythm of development of the entire industry by putting bold and revolutionary ideas into practice in such a way that they have a positive effect on customers, but also are a kind of guarantor of a better tomorrow for everyone. This is how we think of ourselves.
We have developed and patented the "Green HAC" system, a concept for underground storage of heat and cooling that has the potential for a qualitative change in the Polish heating industry. Low-cost, environmentally friendly, non-carbon heating and cooling at the same time can be available at your fingertips by using resources hitherto overlooked. Post-mining and post-industrial infrastructure and sites, thanks to our solution, offer gigantic potential for use in the context of energy storage and decarbonization of the district heating system in post-mining regions. Importantly, we developed our patent in cooperation with scientists from the renowned Silesian University of Technology.
We are constantly working on new solutions using the knowledge of domestic scientists because we realize the potential of Polish science. We observe emerging new technological concepts, take part in scientific conferences, draw inspiration from other industries. We analyze emerging articles and scientific papers to make optimal use of energy in our business.
Close ties with the scientific community mean that we can take an active role in the development of modern technology in our country for the benefit of the general public and business.